Judy C. Williams
Judy Williams holds Masters and Educational Specialist degrees in Counseling & Educational Development from UNC Greensboro. She has been working with high school students since 2005, and loves helping students and families navigate the complicated landscape of college decisions, as together they look for institutions that are a good “fit” - academically, socially, and financially. In the application process, she finds it particularly rewarding to work with students through the process of self-discovery as they work on explaining who they “really are,” beyond the data of activity lists, transcripts, and test scores.
Judy enjoys working with neurodiverse students, and has completed post-graduate training in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity, with specialization in Executive Function. She is a National Certified Counselor, a member of NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling), and an associate member of IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association).