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My Bridge Year includes comprehensive college advising (see below), but it is also designed to provide what each individual student needs, whether that is executive functioning strategies, social/pragmatic coaching, or career exploration. The required Perspectives in Learning course helps students develop self-awareness, build important academic skills, and become effective self-advocates. It specifically helps students understand their own learning, and teaches them strategies that work for them, setting them up for increased academic success in the college setting.
We want to help students avoid the all-too-common problem of failure in the first year of college. The cost of this kind of failure is significant, not only financially, but also in terms of academic momentum, self-confidence, and emotional well-being. Although there are few guarantees in life, a supported and well-planned transition year, combined with a well-chosen college setting, can contribute to a higher chance of success.
In addition to all of this, participating students will be supported in taking up to three Landmark College courses during the program. This means that students can potentially finish their “gap” year with nearly a semester of transferable college credit.
MY BRIDGE YEAR is an investment in your student, offering guidance in the direction of success in college, independent living, and self-management.
College Advising:
Like other college-bound high schoolers, these students need college guidance, but once they graduate, they lose most of their access to high school counselors.
Although not impossible, it is frequently difficult for parents and teenagers to work together on the college search and application, without an outside “coach” to guide the process.
The right college match – academically and socially – is of critical importance to these students, and the college search deserves focused attention.
Individualized college guidance is invaluable, and MY BRIDGE YEAR provides this guidance after high school graduation, with a professional who understands what resources are needed and available.

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